Spirituality vs Religion - The No-Bullshit Guide To Spirituality


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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this video I'm going to talk about what is spirituality what is spirituality I'm excited about this video because this is something that I wanted to talk about for a long time and this idea of spirituality is a very advanced idea that I'm excited to share with some of you guys out there but it also has to be treated in a delicate manner because a lot can go wrong when you're discussing spirituality so in this video we're gonna do is we're gonna talk about the fundamentals the just the very basics I want to basically give you an intro on spirituality I'm gonna tell you what it is we're really going to compare spirituality with religion compare and contrast those two and see how they're very very different in fact they're they're almost the polar opposites and we're gonna talk a little bit about how to do proper spirituality I'm gonna point you in the right direction so that you can go off and start to do some of the research some of the searching that you will have to do to do true spirituality yourself because in the end spirituality is something that can only be done individually and I want to cover some of the details of that right now because a lot of people are so so so confused about what spirituality is and that's for some very important reasons which we're going to cover and I want to dispel some of the myths that are surrounding this if you are a religious person I warn you this video will probably shock and offend you deeply so this is not a video that you want to watch if you're a religious person or unless you really want to find the truth and you're ready to put aside all the religious stuff that you've been doing for perhaps your whole life or for many many decades and go on a real personal journey to understand what the nature of you is and reality is and that's ultimately what spirituality is that's my definition of it allottee is different for religion because religion is concerned about many different questions and there is a little bit of overlap but there's a very different way in which religion goes about answering some of these questions and also some of the questions that religion tries to answer are not important to spirituality so let's start to compare and contrast this stuff for spirituality what's really important is to understand the truth of reality it's to come into direct contact with reality through whatever means is out there being totally open minded to whatever's out there and trying to grasp reality however you can as close to the source as you can the reality here is basically deep existential truths about nature the universe that we live in and ourselves and consciousness and how does all that intermingle and come together that's what spirituality is concerned with what is religion concerned with religion is concerned with that to an extent but it's also concerned with a lot of other stuff religion is concerned with morality issues of what is right and what it's wrong religion is concerned about preservation of certain traditions certain belief structures religion is a lot of times concerned with ritual and upholding various traditions and doing things in very specific ways religion is concerned about questions like good and evil right and wrong also it's concerned about where the universe came from what is reality what is the substance of it what is the source of this creation and what is our relationship to it so you can see that there is some overlap there but religion is a lot more expansive than spirituality spur travel is a lot more focused so now that we have that down the next important point to make here is that spirituality is really something that is done with a scientific mind with a scientific attitude and what that means is not scientific in the sense that scientists today a lot of science today is actually very dogmatic a lot of science today is based on a lot of beliefs and a lot of theories and people will choose size and and debate and how all these kinds of arguments which are all based in in logic in knowledge and thoughts that's not what I mean by spirit by by scientific approach by scientific approach I mean the empirical approach that early scientists took which was you know back way in the day even in the day of let's say Aristotle even back then philosopher started to understand that one way to understand reality to understand nature as it actually is and not as we like it to be or as we wish it to be or as we fantasize or we believed it to be but actually how it is one way to do it is by direct observation you can listen to it you can literally hear the sound of nature you can look at it you can observe whether you're observing with your eyeballs or you're observing through a telescope or microscope there's some sort of observation going on or even if you're running some sort of experiment where you're not maybe doing a direct eyeball experimentation and observation but you're experimenting on something and a computer is tracking the results of that so it's observing the results for you and then it gives you back numbers then you can look at those numbers and makes them maybe some sort of conclusions based on those numbers that's what we mean by scientific empirical approach it's very sensory it's very first person there's something powerful about that empiricism and this is where a lot of even science but especially religion starts to veer off course is that they try to understand truth and reality by thinking about it by philosophizing about it building theories building models and ultimately what this does is it creates the opposite effect because there's something that you have to consider here here's something to consider to alter there's two alternatives to consider one alternative which is the alternative that you currently probably believe which is this that we live in a in a reality in a universe and this universe we happen to be inhabitants of it and we have this mind we have this brain we have all the stuff that that we see but then we interpret it through the thoughts that we have so we all our beliefs that are our theories and models and the current model that your kind of operate under the paradigm really it's more than a model it's a paradigm you're so immersed in it is that you can grasp the truth and truth simply means reality that's all truth is truth is just reality you can grasp reality and you can understand it and you can experience it through thought that's what the paradigm is this is the scientific paradigm this is also the religious paradigm what does this mean this means that literally you think that if you're thinking about nature if you're thinking about a physics equation for example you're thinking about a math equation or you're thinking about history or you're thinking about a fact of the world that if you're thinking about it then somehow you can get to the truth of it through thought and you think yourself well certain certain models of the world are faulty they're not very accurate other models of the world they're more accurate they tend to produce better results if you're working under those and so you tend to say well the ones that are more accurate than ones that actually tend to produce the results in life those tend to be the true ones and so you will take something like maybe Einstein's theory of relativity or you will take some sort of mathematical axiom or you'll just take some sort of general truth about life you'll take that and you'll say you know what that is very accurate we can use that to make predictable results about reality and therefore that is the truth and you think that you're connected with the truth and that you've got it so let's consider that that's that's of one possibility that could be a ray that reality that we live in is that our mind is capable of actually grasping the truth through logical thought and language the other alternative though is the following and here's where I need you to be very open-minded because you need to really seriously consider this other alternative and here's the other alternative the other alternative is that reality is so vast so inch and so complex that it cannot be grasped at all with thought or language or logic which are all pretty much the same thing really consider the ramifications of that what if we live in a reality where you can't actually grasp the truth of it through thought so maybe your thought is useful to you in many circumstances of life maybe it's useful for you to take care of your kids and to do your job and to to get a promotion and to lose some weight to do some personal development or whatever that's fine but what if all of that thought had absolutely zero truth in it there was no reality in it it's kind of a scary notion because once you start to accept this notion which is actually true by the way once you start to accept this notion then your whole paradigm starts to change about what reality actually is and that's the problem here is that spirituality is concerned about with access to directly direct reality to the truth and your thoughts if you do a careful self investigation you'll discover that your thoughts are not going to allow you to do this why is this the case you might wonder well consider an example consider an example where we take a piece of fruit let's say we take an orange if I taste this orange I get a sense of what this orange is I get a sense of its flavor its color of its smell of its feel of its texture of its essence I get I get that when I interact with this orange now if you never interact with an orange and only I interact with it and you never see this orange you never hear about it you never ever tasted an orange in your life and I go and I try to explain what an orange is to you is that going to be possible what you'll discover is that it's not possible I can make some sort of general and vague analogies about or I can tell you what it might be similar to that has been in your experience but actually the orange itself you don't know it and you will never know it through the words and language that I use so no matter how poetic I am I'm not going to get across the taste of an orange to you or the the tartness of its peel or the way that the texture of that orange feels and this is a very this is a very troubling thing because it means that you need direct access to the orange in order to to feel it to see it to really interact with it to experience the truth of it and that my words in my language isn't going to do it any justice so this is kind of like an analogy this is an analogy that I'm using to help to under to help you to understand what we're talking about here because spirituality is actually a very very advanced concept this is the most advanced concept that you will ever run across in your personal development or in any domain of life it's very advanced because people have all sorts of very confused notions about it and the people that think that they're spiritual the people who are religious and believe they're spiritual and the people who just think that they're spiritual without the religious component they're all very mistaken about this 99.99999% of anybody that you're gonna find out there is not going to be able to give you an accurate and proper explanation of spirituality because they're very confused about it themselves because it's very very tricky the whole point of spirituality is that there is a reality in this reality it literally is not communicable that means that there are truths that cannot be communicated that means that no not only can I not communicate it to you but it also goes even deeper it goes deeper than the orange example because in the orange example you could just look at the orange and experience it it goes deeper than that though because your own thoughts that you're having about this orange are actually impeding you from experiencing the truth the raw truth of what this orange is because you have a lot of mental filter that you put on top of this orange you think that's an orange you put a label on it you put certain other mental labels and associations on oh it tastes sweet oh it's sour maybe it's bitter maybe it's rotten maybe it's pretty maybe it's round maybe it's something else but this is all that your mind is adding on top of it it has very hard to remove the mental filters that you've got to get to the direct experience of the orange if you could do that consider the possibility that's possible if you could do that what would you have you would have a pure direct it wouldn't even be an experience because experience is layered with lots of mental labels it would be something that's more pure than experience it would be direct it would be just a direct contact with truth this is what true spirituality is this is extremely different from religion and it's even very different from science but the scientific and empirical approach here is still very useful so all that means is that you're doing observation spirituality is not about thinking stuff it's not about believing stuff it's not about having faith it's not about any kind of rituals it's not about going and praying with somebody it's not about becoming a hippy it's not about meditation it's not about any of that all it is is its direct contact with reality that's what true spirituality is and very very few people understand this and even fewer people actually practice this it's very difficult to practice this your mind is ingenious at preventing you from direct access to truth it's a reality now you might say valley oh how is it possible to have direct contact with reality is that even possible or and I always going to be experiencing it through some sort of a perceiver perception type of paradigm and there's going to be always some sort of mental filters or even if not mental filters then can't we say that this experience of this orange that's particularly as a human being wouldn't it then be different for example for a monkey or it would be different for another human being you know maybe I see the orange in a little different way than the the next guy or girl sees that orange so aren't I always stuck in at least having to go through my perceptions and what our perceptions our perceptions actually true how how can you say that the perceptions that you have here for example that color that I see or this person that I interact with how can you say that those raw perceptions that that's reality what about the stuff that's underpinning that what about the matter that's there the substance right what is that person actually aside from the way that I see that person that's an interesting question that's a question that you're gonna have to really study hard that's not something that you can be closed-minded about like most people are what you're actually going to find if you're very honest with yourself and use this investigation is you're going to find interestingly enough that there is a possibility of direct access to reality and that's a very amazing thing and very very few people understand this and very few people have had those kinds of experiences but they are possible so I'm just throwing that out there for you as something that you might want to pursue for yourself and start to look into if you're curious about this kind of stuff if you're really curious about what existence is you can find out not through a book not through philosophy not through Theory building or beliefs or chanting or any of that kind of stuff but through the right experience so consider this possibility that there's something in reality that you can't communicate and in fact if I experience reality real reality I can't communicate it to you every attempt that I would make would have to go through language through thought and that would instantly destroy the truth that was there it's very interesting that this this is this is how it is I want to go into a little bit about the history of religion because people will hear this and then they'll start to wonder well how does this connect with religion or is there any truth within religion it seems like there's some sort of spiritual component within religion but then there's a lot of stuff that people don't like about religion there's a lot of different religious factions how do we start to reconcile this is there one truth these are multiple truths what you're going to discover is that there is only one truth but let's talk a little bit about the religions and how they started see the problem with these spiritual truths because they're not communicable that creates a very big barrier it creates a barrier of transference that means that there's this block this wall that literally that if one person gets it he can't pass it on to the next person that other person has to work and do exactly the same thing that this person did in order to get it here's what happened with religions at least this is kind of my my theory about it every religion every major religion we've contract to being started by a prophet so Jesus started Christianity you had the Buddha we started Buddhism you've got Muhammad and Islam and every even lesser religion that's not as well known tends to be centered around a prophet why does this happen it's interesting because of this logic and language barrier that we have there's basically two types of people when it comes to spirituality there's the person who actually has direct experience so let's take this orange for example you got this orange you've got direct experience of the orange you got the truth of the orange there's that type of person the second type of person is the one that doesn't have that experience he doesn't have the truth and so you've got these two types of people and here's what tends to happen is that the first type of person is very genuine the first type of person he goes he experiences this orange and when you actually experience reality directly it's a amazing experience it's an awestruck experience it will literally strike aw in you it's a very powerful experience it's so powerful in fact that it's going to leave you silent it's gonna leave you dumbstruck but inevitably what happens is because this is such an awesome experience what happens is that this original person this prophet he goes he has this experience then he gets really excited about it after the fact you know this is a really amazing thing this changes how you see your entire world imagine if you saw truth like that you saw truth that changed literally the paradigm of how you saw the entire world it could really transform how you feel about the entire world could end a lot of your suffering in life it made you feel a lot of love and compassion for everybody else out there because you felt at one with everybody so you get this truth and then you're thinking yourself man it would be really nice to share this with people I wish others around me could get in on this could see this amazing thing and so of course in your eagerness you go out there and you try to you try to point you try to tell people hey look look at this thing that I saw it's amazing other people look at you and they kind of look at you they see it as a little bit weird a little bit wacky because you your ways are a little bit different than theirs but they sense that there's something about you something kind of genuine about you there's some genuine passion and it sounds like you're really convinced that you saw something amazing what could this be they wonder so they start listening to you though I don't come tell me tell me tell me what you saw and so this person who saw this experience will start to go go and talk he'll give a lecture I'll give a sermon he'll paint a nice a nice picture maybe he'll write a poem he'll write a story and allegory I use a metaphor whatever means of communication he uses that person who hasn't experienced it he's gonna have a problem because all he's got is he's got the story and he's got the belief so it's like me telling you what an orange is without you ever having seen an orange what's gonna happen if I talk to you long enough eventually you can start to feel like oh I know what an orange is yeah an orange it's kind of like yellow it's kind of maybe like a lemon I've seen lemons so I can imagine it's kind of like a bigger lemon and it's not yellow it's maybe a little bit more like it's reddish so it's maybe kind of similar to an apple but kind of halfway in between an apple and an orange and it's a citrus so I have some experience with citruses so maybe a little bit like that and they say it's sweet so it's sweet kind of maybe like sugar okay yeah I know what an oranges the undisciplined mind will do this it will jump to all sorts of conclusions and it'll say yeah you know I know exactly what you're talking about yeah I know that orange I know what an orange is like I know where no one's just like Alex maybe all experience in orange sometime but I already know what it's like and then that person who says yeah this is an amazing orange look at this orange that person who's never experienced it and then he'll run off and he'll tell his friend he'll say look I heard about this amazing fruit it's called an orange let me describe it to you it's like this it's orange and it's round and it's like a citrus colleague Oh kind of like a lemon kind of like an apple somewhere in between it's sweet like sugar and it's got all these other properties and that person will go oh man that's that's an amazing thing I've never seen an orange before but I can picture it I know you're talking about man that's really cool so there's an orange out there okay great let's let's let's tell our other buddies about the orange let me tell my wife let me tell my kids about this orange and so what happens is that this idea spreads throughout people and everybody starts to believe like they know what an orange is but really only the first person who was speaking about that orange knows that's the person who is the Prophet and this is how religions get started is you have someone like Jesus or we have someone like Muhammad or you have someone like the Buddha he does the hard hard hard direct observational empirical work that's necessary to pierce into the truth of reality he does that work it's difficult to do that he does that and then that makes a little bit weird that makes him a little bit different because to do that takes an exceptional human being most of us in life we're very concerned about our survival we're very concerned about raising our kids having sex and making money and getting some entertainment in living a comfortable lifestyle and dying happy and living happy that's what we want most of us but see that's survival that has nothing to do with reality consider that possibility as well that your survival and the fact that you're surviving in this world and doing whatever it is that you're doing running your ordinary everyday affairs but that has absolutely nothing to do with what existence is and that knowing existence and experience the existence directly that this might not have any practical value to you whatsoever it might not make you any wealthier or any happier or any better at interacting with other people or any better at your job or any better at your relationship or anything else so maybe has absolutely zero value but maybe it's the truth consider that truth might have zero value to you it's an interesting consideration because a lot of people are so busy chasing value that they don't look at where the truth is and if you're only looking in this direction because you believe that value is here there's no value there but the truth happens to be there then are you ever gonna look that way you won't and that's what most people do in life is that they never look this way but the profits they do so someone like Jesus he starts a religion based on this and the problem is that it's very hard to Pearson this is truth and so everybody that he's talking about maybe a couple of people will go and actually do the hard work that he did to Pearson this truth but most people 99.999% of people who you tell this to will not do that their mind is very dogmatic it quickly jumps and passes on a belief and it says oh that's right I believe in that I have faith in that I know exactly what that is it was clearly explained to me I read it in a book i memorize these scriptures I practiced this ritual I do this prayer I do this chanting I do this meditation and therefore I am I am in this truth but actually you're not an actress at all that's just a mental word game that you're playing in your mind and this is the offensive part because this means that all of your religious beliefs and all your religious ideas are nonsense they mean absolutely nothing and they count for absolutely nothing it doesn't matter whether you're Christian or Buddhist or Islam it doesn't matter all of this is just belief if you're an atheist that's also belief if you're a scientist and you believe in scientific theorems that's also belief so right now you're drawing fine distinctions between oh well that person he's Islamic so I don't believe what he believes but I'm Christian so this is right or screw both those guys you might say I'm scientific I'm a I'm a scientific minded person I'm very realistic very hard-nosed that'll bias any of that mystical nonsense none of those scriptures so it's the science but in the end all that has something very much in common and it's the belief structures it's the logic it's the language and there's something that's much more fundamental that you're totally missing out while you're doing those little language games of yours and that's all it is it's just a language game so every religion basically looks like this you have this original nugget of truth right here right what the original profit or founder discovered then what happens after that is it starts to spread it's an interesting truth people are caring about it stories get built rituals get built cultures get built around it societies get built around it and so it spreads from one to the next to the next person and it spreads hundreds thousands hundreds of thousands millions of people as that's happening what's happening is that you've got the original person who is after a little bit no longer there he's dead and then you've got his little messengers running around and spreading this message and really what they're doing because there's this two type two type of person and they're all based in dogma and beliefs that they are just blabber mouthing it's called blabbermouth arre when you flap your mouth talking beliefs thinking spots talking language and believing it's so strongly that you think it's real when in fact none of it is real at all your thoughts and your language has no connection to truth truth is something you directly experience so people start blabbermouth thing and one blabbermouth to the next to the next to the next to the next there's a very strong tendency I notice it myself I like to blabbermouth - I'm gonna be careful that to hold myself back a lot of people aren't very careful and they love to blabbermouth I'd love to blabbermouth it's a very natural human tendency we're very social creatures so blabber mouth re happens and what happens is from this original kernel of truth gets built all this nonsense all this blabbermouth through all this theory and philosophy gets getting built and built and built rituals get built traditions get built it all gets built up until there's this little nugget of truth down here but everything above it 99% right here is just total nonsense and then the rest and the majority of the population then work and live from this area they have no connection whatsoever to this to this nugget they are living up here in this cloud of total nonsense and what's worse is that they really believe that it's true they really believe that they're really stumbled onto something when in fact you haven't stumbled onto anything at all and it's really ironic because the original point of religion was to help to spread this truth this beautiful profound awesome truth to help other people see it to spread it but ironically religion ends up doing the complete opposite because once you start going down the path of believing in thoughts attaching yourself to thoughts to beliefs once you go down that road there's almost no coming back it's very hard to come back from that and so what religion ends up doing and I think every religious prophet would agree with this if they were alive and they really saw what was going on whether with Christianity with Islam or with Buddhism anything else they would see and they would they would really denounce the religion because the religion is doing the exact opposite thing it's making people dogmatic and closed-minded and it's keeping people with the rituals and the traditions and the beliefs that's keeping people from doing the empirical investigation that's necessary to actually pierce into the truth it's kind of like if I wanted to go to new to New York and I'm standing in Los Angeles if I'm in Los Angeles I want to go to New York I need to head north and I need to head east the Northeast direction that will take me to New York but if I get the wrong map and I start heading Southwest from Los Angeles I'm not reaching New York I'm gonna get very very lost I'm going the exact opposite direction and the best I can hope for is maybe Australia which is very far from New York and so this is what's happening to you if you are taking part in organized religion this is actually what's happening to you if you are taking part in science any kind of beliefs will put you in the opposite direction right now it's hard for you to appreciate this because you need to do a lot of conscious self investigation very honestly this is not easy work you need to do that just to start to see the level of corruption that's going on in your own belief systems how fundamentally flawed your understanding is of life and yourself so back to this point about the religion getting built right we had these blabbermouth they were talking they they built this religion within a certain social context so it was a certain time there were certain cultural traditions so based on that the religion grew up and every religion has its own peculiarities its own customs its own things that it holds as taboo and as evil and it's bad or it's wrong and so you've got these things popping up all over the world and then those religions splintered and factor fractured in many different ways and so you had this kind of multiplicity and expansion and evolution of these various religions but in the end they're all belief based so then you might ask well Leo what are you talking about here so you got this religious stuff okay I can kind of maybe see that but then what is this what is a spiritual experience that you're talking about what is this spirituality is this some sort of mystical God is this some sort of afterlife that you're talking about did you have some sort of religious experience what are you talking about here and also aren't you blabbermouth thing right now I mean you said that it can't be communicated so what are you communicating here to me what I can say is that it can't be communicated so I've had some some some little taste a little taste of what it could be like to really tap into the truth I've had a little taste of it it's very powerful it makes me want to go out there and blabbermouth that's how I know this stuff happens the way it does because it's very clear once you once you get to this point you see it it's pretty clear about how all this stuff works how these relations get created and that's something that's very advanced that's something I'm gonna cover in a lot of videos the reason I'm talking about it here is not that convey any truth to you I'm not conveying any truth to you right now anything that I tell you including this whole video it's a story it's just a belief you're either gonna believe it or you're not gonna believe it but whatever you do it's not gonna help you to see the truth the truth is something that I can't communicate to you and I'm also in the process of finding it out for myself so for me this is not done this is just the beginning but what this video can help you with is it can help point you it can help dispel some of the [ __ ] that has really been pointing you in the wrong direction it's kind of like me giving you a better map so right now if you're headed to Australian you want to get to New York does the map you're using is not going to do it but maybe this map that I'm giving you will help you now don't make the mistake like you usually do with everything else in your life of assuming that this map is the territory this map is not the territory this map is not New York the little the little path that I drew from LA to New York that's not actually the path that you're gonna take that's a conceptualization that's a model that's a belief that's not the truth the truth is the path that you actually take the truth is the destination you actually reach it's New York City when you're in New York City that's when you're actually there that's what you're experiencing it when you're looking at New York City on a map or in a photograph that's not actually in New York City and that's the whole point here is that you are so so so busy in your life looking at false images rather than looking at directly what you're after so you might ask well what is what is it that I'm after what is this spiritual truth that you keep alluding to so vaguely ultimately it's this and again keep in mind that this is just gonna be a story for you but it's this the truth is that your ego you who you think you are yourself but that is an illusion that that is a fiction created by your mind and that this is not actually exist in reality what exists is reality in the present moment without any mental labels or conceptualizations what exists is something very interesting the traditional model that we have of perceiver I'm the perceiver and I'm perceiving something so perceiver perception that model is not correct there is no perceiver and perception distinction there is only one substance the perceiver is the perception and who you think you are your identification with yourself and with your personal history and your physical body and your mind and your thoughts and your understanding of the world that this is a complete fiction and that the control that you think your thoughts have over your life is a complete fiction and that the separation that exists between you and other people and other objects is a fiction so what does that leave you with that leaves you with life for you are life life is one there's been a lot of names and labels for this and they're just names and labels God infinite consciousness oneness unity yoga non-duality there's a lot of different labels and all the different religions and cultures about this but this is all that they're really alluding to is this now this is the most threatening thing that you can hear it doesn't matter whether you're religious or your spiritual type of person or you meditate or you do yoga or you fancy yourself an atheist or an agnostic it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you don't partake in any of this philosophical debate if you hear what I'm telling you it's gonna deeply deeply shock you if you actually consider the truth of it and you say to yourself oh man this could be a possibility if you open your mind to it and you say oh man could that actually be true is it it sounds far out there but could it be true if you open yourself up to that it's very scary in the end the truth is very beautiful but it's gonna initially be very scary to you because your ego is scared shitless that it will be found out the whole problem here is that you're very very identified with yourself see religions religious people will say well I really really believe in God you know I really put my faith in God or scientific personal say well I really I really put my you know I really know the truth of this mathematical equation or this mathematical experiment actually that's not what's going on there it's very deceptive if you're very keen and observant what you're gonna find out is what's going on in all those situations is that you're not really believing in God's and mathematical equations are sign of experiments what you're really truly believing in is an ego yourself what you're really believing in is thoughts and with the spiritual understanding if you do the direct investigation what you're gonna find is that who you are who you think you are right now this body that you think you are all the experience that you've had in your life all the stuff that you did all the willpower you have to control and direct your life that all of that is not real but it is a thought story it is a very very elaborate and very very tricky and sneaky highly deceptive story and it's possible to shed this thought story and when you do that's when you get a state of enlightenment that's when you get an awakening that's what it's called the reason it's called that is because you raise your consciousness high enough you become so observant that you see the oneness that is here and you see that this ego is an illusion as soon as you see the ego as being the illusion that it is then something clicks in you and all of a sudden you expand you expand from this little little piece of space that you occupied in the universe that you think you occupy now you expand from that and suddenly your everything you expand to everything and it's a very powerful powerful experience and that experience cannot be explained that experience cannot be detailed no one can force you to believe it it's not something you have to have faith in this is something you either experience or you don't if you don't then you're stuck in this dualistic way of thinking of really being totally attached your thoughts your thoughts of who you are your ego your need to preserve yourself and in the end you don't experience truth and this creates a lot of suffering in your life in fact all suffering in your life is created from this very core very fundamental problem and this is your first time hearing this then it's probably gonna offend you shock you make you outraged notice that notice what's happening there notice that there's a voice inside your head doing a lot of talking right now coming up with a lot of counter points a lot of arguments a lot of reasons a lot of evidence a lot of good logic about why this can't be the case also notice the voice inside you saying but Leo how are you telling me all this you're telling me that all these beliefs are false but yet you're you're out here you're talking you're communicating all these beliefs that's right but I'm not telling you to take my words at face value my words are not what's true my words are just a map for you if you want and if you want to pursue this investigation further then this is what's going to put you on the right track the empirical approach the shedding of all your beliefs the shedding of all the different things that you think you know the real questioning of how much you can attain through thought through law through logic and through language I want to shoot a lot more videos on this topic because it's a very advanced topic and as I'm progressing I consider myself right now a newbie in this area as I'm progressing I want to maybe throw some stuff out there that will help you progress too I can never do it for you nothing I say will ever be the truth for you but it can point you in the right direction and what's important for you is to not mistake my pointers for the truth not get caught in this trap because this trap is extremely tricky and this whole exercise of doing careful observation it's all about seeing the deception that is going on in your own mind because that is all that it is it's a very simple deception the truth is right there and right in front of you right before your eyes right now if you want to you could see it right now if you got rid of the deceptions but in practice getting rid of those deceptions is very difficult so that's something that requires a lot of discipline this is something that requires extreme extreme self honesty when I first heard about this I read I was reading a book and I first started to get a sense that this could be a possibility because I myself was an atheist for a long time didn't really care about religions then really believed that nonsense of religions considered myself on the right path I did a lot of study with philosophy so I've studied all this stuff and was very fascinating to me in my youth but then later just a few years ago when I started to read this stuff and I got a sense that this is a possibility this ego thing this ego deception is a possibility I literally like that week I spent a-- I spent some days lying on my couch in a fetal position literally in a in a like a cloud of depression because of this and that is an ego defense mechanism as well so your ego will do everything everything in its power this could be the most emotionally challenging thing you've ever done in your life your ego will do absolutely everything to deceive you of your current truth it will do absolutely everything to make sure that your current paradigm stays in place and you have to be extremely self-absorbed and extremely open-minded to spot these deceptions that your ego is creating all the time it's creating it all the time every single minute of your life this is happening I'm gonna show you a lot more video on this stuff so if this hopefully piqued your interest then join me sign up and more will come as I discover more of myself for now this is it I'm gonna be signing off is what I have to say about spirituality what it is and some comparisons to religion go ahead and post me your comments down below I'd love to hear from you and then also please like this share it click like button for me right now throw it on Facebook the more people see these videos the more free content I can post for you guys and finally come sign up to my newsletter this is the newsletter it's a free newsletter at actualized org when you sign up you're gonna be getting updates new videos and articles that I'm releasing to my subscribers every single week we build into this extremely advanced topic of spirituality but besides this really my bread and butter is helping you to design an extraordinary life I think spirituality can be a very powerful component it's the most powerful component if you actually get there but a lot of people will not be ready to go there quite yet a lot of people just simply need to work on their psychology work on their neurotic thinking work on their negative thinking work on their depression work on their anger problems weird on their money problems work on their health problems and I've got a lot of mindsets that will help you to do that I'm very results oriented so this is kind of an atypical video for me because with this I'm not focused on results with this I'm focused on so having you see the truth with my other videos I'm more focused on getting you practical results that help you to create an extraordinary life so if you're interesting that stuff sign up and you'll be all set on track with weekly updates you